Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Distilled TOC

You can never be too clear on the big-picture overview of a complex book in process. Now that we're getting close to being about halfway done, I felt the need to distill the project down and get some clarity on titles for the Parts of the book. This always helps me immensely, because editing in context is worlds apart from simply editing.

Distilled Table of Contents, not reflecting actual chapter titles

Christ Formed in You
A Comprehensive Look at the Christian Life

Part One
Conceptual Foundations: The Gospel and Our Need
1.    Imago Dei
2.    The Gospel
3.    Justification
4.    The Heart
5.    Sanctification

Part Two
Holiness: The Goal of This Earthly Life and How to Pursue It
6.    Holiness
7.    Mortification
8.    Vivification
9.    Motivation

Part Three
The Means of Grace God Uses to Make Us More Holy
10.    Spiritual Disciplines
11.    Suffering
12.    Community


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